I know i should be posting regularly here. Sad to say, work and everything else about my so-called life kept me. Oh, well, it is never too late to redeem myself, is it? After piling on half of the 35 lbs. i worked hard to lose, needless to say, i have begun to deliberately avert my gaze every time i had to pass by the weighing scale just sitting outside the bathroom door. After spending a good deal of money buying myself clothes that are two sizes smaller, i am now back to wearing my old ones--i actually planned to donate them any time this year after dropping two sizes upon losing weight (good thing i didn't). 

But i cannot let myself stay a blimp and just watch in resignation as the pounds pile back on until i have gained not only all 35 lbs. i worked so hard to lose several months ago, but even more. Aaaaaarrrghhhh!!! What is so unique about my metabolism is that i gain weight just as quickly as i can lose them. I guess i can use this to my advantage if i work things right; however, i did just the exact opposite after slipping into distress again after resigning from my previous company. 

So it's back to the diet track for me. I give myself no other options but to start again from base 1 and work my way up again, controlling food portions and working out diligently to exhaustion, as i have done before. Additional research can be helpful at this point; however, i have already determined the particular activities or aspects of dieting that work for me. 
  • Pass on the meat and rice, and concentrate my daily menu on veggies and fruits. 
  • Drink natural homemade carrot-apple shake every day coupled with a banana or two as a meal replacement for either lunch or dinner. 
  • Drink my pricey diet drinks for breakfast, and resume my old health ritual of imbibing a full glass of wheatgrass tea first thing in the morning before eating anything. 
  • Work out thrice or four times weekly--dancing, calisthenics, walking, etc. 
  • Drink lots of water and the following juices: broccoli, carrot, and pineapple. 
  • Pray every day for guidance and self-control. 


    Just like majority of the femmes in the world, i obsess about dieting and keeping myself looking good all the time. Especially with dieting, i can never seem to get around to winning the battle of the bulge once and for all. Disregarding the years lost, i am never gonna stop trying until i finally win...And this blog chronicles my heroic efforts along with interesting info about dieting, keeping oneself beautiful on the outside,and yes food LOL...


    January 2012
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